One Bread, One Body
“If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.” —John 12:26
Ministers like lectors, eucharistic ministers, altar servers, and choir members help us enhance the Mass. As a minister, you can help others partake in a more fulfilling worship experience. Below are the Mass Ministry opportunities available at St. Mary's and St. Joseph's.
Contact us if you are interested in serving in any of these ministries.
Welcoming those into the parish is one of the best gifts we can give someone. Ushers/Greeters are one of the first faces people see as they arrive for Mass. This ministry also helps with Mass collections, ushering during communion, and generally serving the needs of our parishioners and guests.
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers serve with Father to distribute the most precious Body and Blood of Jesus to the faithful. They can also be trained to take communion to the home bound, hospitalized and those in nursing home care.
Lectors/Readers are an essential ministry for the Mass as they proclaim the Old and New Testament Readings during the Liturgy of the Word. They also read the petitions or prayers of the faithful.
Altar Servers
Servers are trained to serve the Holy Mass. This ministry is highly recommended for those who have received their first communion, teenagers and young adult males. Servers serve during the Mass and clean up the sanctuary after the Mass.
Choir members provide sacred music for the Sunday Masses, Holy Days, Christmas, Easter Week, Easter, and for funerals.